Sunday, December 11, 2011

just after.

I actually wanted to post this on time but Internet died at that moment and then I fell asleep and woke up with a headache. So yes, there's your disclaimer.

Wedding's over..nothing much except just eating food and taking photos. Kinda dead now, just slacking in the bed in the hotel suite heh. All the women have left to shop and the rest of us stay behind to...well, rest. Maybe I'll kip a little...later have to catch a flight at 10, arriving in Kuching at midnight, and then there's another wedding the following day..

Eating fruit now. This is probably the only post that will be on time, cos I have Internet now. And my dad is here, can use his com to store my photos..

But this blogger app is extremely useful, it had allowed me to -insert long reflection here-

cathy ross.

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