Saturday, December 31, 2011

before the passing.

i've decided to do the post before dinner.
anyway, this was the view about 30mins ago. phone cam :D

so, today went out to meet mr alvin tan for lunch. i'd rather just call him alvin because i don't like adding titles, it's too formal. so, we went to meet alvin for lunch!

yeah and we brought him some chipmunks.

met at the bus stop, renda dressed flamboyantly as usual :

we all wore t-shirt and shorts..which is the norm i guess? brian also wore shirt but at least he buttoned it properly haha.

anyway, lunch at 18 chefs! again :D

wenxi "smiling", while edwin moves again..
he always moves during photos, that's the conjecture.

tomato soup! very nice. not too sour, and there's pasta inside.

cheese fries!

my fish and chips

edwin's pasta..with mussels!

group shot (:

a cow.

waffles :D

then they went to arcade and smashed the basketball record..

and that's at brian's house.

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