Friday, December 30, 2011

finally, here are the photos.

hello. yes this is a picture post! finally.
anyway went to school today to register for hostel and clean the room. dion brought his maid and vacuum cleaner xD so the toilet's done. my mum came to help, so she me and jordan did our is very dusty.

and we pulled out the beds and there were ants under mine. typical.
i love this keyboard.

then had to rush back home because my mum had a lunch appointment. forgot to hand in the check-in list..i'll hand that in on sunday along with my leave application form when i go back to pile stuff into the room. not free tmr, it's my turn to have a lunch appointment heh.

the last few days of 2011. let's enjoy them.
while preparing for school.

anyway, picture time! this dates back to yesterday haha.

yes, i used to collect that.

my old purple phone. decommissioned now.

and speaking of phones, old phones!

the epic mess (i didn't rotate just upload)

and then that night there was this huge explosion/fire in the sky, so i decided to do this :

the tripod's kinda iffy, but it did minimize shakes quite a bit so i could set a lower iso. by lower, i mean ISO 1250. Without the tripod i had to go to the max, which is 6400 i think. or 12800, can't really remember.

blogger's limit is 8MB, so i suggest you check out the full album here.
yes, click the here.

so today went hostel, as you already know.
Cluster 12A!

yes it's all my brother i was too busy cleaning and rushing.
and the fingerprint thingy is..
let's just say it's not entirely foolproof. that, is why you need a sonic screwdriver.

right, shall go. goodnight.

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