Saturday, December 10, 2011

10 December, 2011

I am typing this on the bus on the way down the mountain back to KL, and my conclusion is that all the bus drivers should go be f1 drivers, given the way they drive. Super fast and perfect cornering..we've overtaken loads of cars already..

Oh yes, did I mention that I saw my first 458 Italia at the airport at KL? Amazing, but unfortunately didn't have time to snap a photo. And there was a Nissan GTR at sone carpark with the plate WTF. Can't say the numbers, just in case the owner sees this..

Yes I am paranoid. Very paranoid.

Time to put up the red curtain..sun's getting hot.

Shall attempt to get some rest, my dad's arriving here tonight, so I'll be able to post normally yay.

death comes to every man, and every man comes to death.

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