Wednesday, December 28, 2011

failure to post.

the last time i opened this window i couldn't type a word. so i just left it there.

right. i have to make a photo montage for cca fair. so i'm asking for photos. because i have virtually zero photos. and i mean zero. gotta go dig and see what i can turn up..

oh. something came up which i forgot to mention.
classes are out. in 505 haha. with a lot of people. got daryl, junwei, boon chong, yawen, shree.
excellent. for once i didn't end up in the class with no one.

still kinda sad though, not being with anyone for 6 years. in primary school, i was with edwin and huzaifi for 6 years straight..

edwin the cow is supposed to be back from europe tonight..or today actually. we don't know what time. he's probably just kipping it off now trying to recover from jet lag and then wake up at 5 or something.

listening to the doctor who soundtrack now..series 6 one. quite good. i think i've just finished the songs from curse of the black it's the doctor's wife i think.

yes, the box has just knocked him over.
pay no attention to any of this. i think very few people understand this.

i think dion went to sleep. trying to hitch a ride from him for friday, heh.
don't think i'm bringing that much stuff yet. just a little bit.

just sitting here doing nothing as usual. waiting for an opportunity to use my camera..the shutter sound is bliss.

sorry, deviating.
probably gonna pack for hostel tmr, hardik says bring your own bedsheets and pillowcases and stuff, cos theirs aren't clean. i want to bring my whole bed.

i want snow.
moving to switzerland in a few years.

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