Saturday, April 30, 2011

he saved the world, countless times.

just realised there are an entire collection of doctor who fans on tumblr.
and of course, they're still spamming crap about harry potter and the royal wedding.

kate middleton. she's okay, i guess. at least she's british. if she was american i wouldn't care at all. no offence, americans.

and tumblr makes me realise there's a whole stack of good books out there, and i haven't read them all. i think i have, but actually i've barely skimmed the surface. nevermind. come june, it's time to spam. now, we must chiong first.

i've been saying that a lot. well, i'll see you again tonight, to see how productive i've been. if you want a tip, you should just turn your com off. or lock the room. i'm doing both. hopefully it works, and i do get through cell bio.

if i don't post tonight...well. either i've collapsed from cell bio or unforseen circumstances have prevented me from reaching a com.

which could be either one of the below

1. blackout
2. i'm eating
3. there's a really good show on
4. i'm out with someone ^^

so, what'cha doing tonight xD

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