Monday, April 25, 2011


our life is just a collection. it's a collection of emotions, friends, mementos, and memories. and somehow these memories remain inside our brain, and they trigger emotions, but most of the time they just make us sad.

if it's a happy memory, you'll be sad because you can't relieve that moment. strange huh. we should be able to relive moments. maybe a simulated reality program will do that in the future.

whatever, this post is lousy. i'm just doing this because i haven't blogged in so long and i feel bad. and i'm suddenly sad i dunno why.

phy in-class tmr. gg time, i don't actually know much about optics..i just get through by copying and checking notes. time for mega studying.

at least past 3 days finished a lot of work. all the projects are now done! and i chionged all the chinese hw + math assn + phy assn during lessons today. i had help. thanks, you guys are awesome (:

i want so many things now. i want doctor who. i want to play pes. i want to sleep. oh well, after exams. work first...

that's what i said in my suibi just now. haha, being in AV has its perks. during assembly in the audi i went up to the control room and did work. there's a table and nice aircon there! and watched the videos at the same i kinda participated. multitasking!

think, if what you're going to say, or what you're going to do will affect others. it's because people don't think, that's why they end up hurting others. well, the nice people anyway. i need to do this also.

always care for others.

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