Saturday, July 31, 2010

and the clouds above move closer.

i was going to post 30mins ago, but got distracted by bejeweled, again. still can't beat the current high score.

anyway, woke up to find that they made waffles for breakfast. cos my mum recently acquired a waffle maker. but it's square. not circular. and i think the batter's a bit wrong, it's quite chewy. but other than that it's awesome heh.

finally can sign in to died on me yesterday. not that i do anything on msn anyway. i just sign in and be there..

my dad's ipod is kinda screwed, it charged the whole night and it's still like 60% battery. it's the 5th model apple put out i think. this one.

and somehow apple gets sued cos ipad overheated again. it always happens....a lot of apple stuff overheats. they really need a cooling system.

i really have nothing much to say. hopefully the coming week will be a nice week, it seems nice. do we have tingxie?

today will be a happy day.

oh, and people reading that line please don't get mad because you've had a really rough day. listen to music, think, and if it helps, scream. works for me.

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