Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ventricular dystropy.

really tired now.
things to do, must pack clothes and stuff to bring to hostel. think i'll leave my cam behind. it's only 3 days, and i doubt we need it for friday..

i'll just borrow in that case.

less responsibilities

got back home around 4. we went out in the morning, to sentosa to see some flower exhibition. it's just weird, seeing all the places and i imagine the scenes during orientation again. haha.

nearly got lost again though.
i am useless at maps and directions.

and didn't get many good shots. so many people! and without zoom it's kinda annoying..but saw a lot a lot of dslrs today. mostly nikon..saw two people with 60Ds and they both have the 18-135..

i have obtained episode 15. i will watch it later. along with the last episode of sherlock.
it seems brilliant.

all those of you with blogs, please post! i'm getting bored..nothing to read lol.

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