Monday, January 2, 2012

either my standards are slipping or stella's getting stronger.

preparing myself for a busy week.
coping with hostel life and 3 days of photo duty. anyway.

i feel tired already.
but the reason i'm tired is that i've been out all day.

woke up in the morning and went for frisbee. jingmin brought turkish delight (nice :D) and some cotton candy which looked like mummified durian seeds (my mum loves it but me cyrus edwin brian beg to differ). edwin brought chocolate and souvenirs from italy lol. i love it when people buy souvenirs for me xD

all on the fridge now.
and then came back, lied around a little and then packed and moved stuff into hostel. the fingerprint thing's still a bit glitchy.

most of the stuff is in, except the electronics, obviously. and i found a way to lock the wardrobe..yes i'm slow.

watching miranda now instead of not going out. standard's there, still quite funny haha.
oh yes, jiamin called me when i was having dinner at ikea. reminder : 9pm not 9am okay he is going to kill me but he can't i have his drive.


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