Saturday, January 21, 2012

escape the table.

i didn't want to go.
i want to be out with friends again..

and i better open the windows it's super stuffy -.-
left the camera charger in hostel...bloody cows. my battery currently stands at 42% and 38% i think. should be enough to last me..considering sentosa only took 30%

or maybe that was just a glitch.
whatever. i love my camera still.

to any media club people who see this : we will probably postpone welcome party again to week 5..because 27th the y4s have stuff on and weiren can't make it..

i'm gonna start up lightroom 4 :D
here we go.

damn. music is giving me a headache..i feel like just crashing now and waking up later to do stuff. and got my sherlock to watch.

ok cannot i need to crash. will talk about tmr tmr.

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