Saturday, May 14, 2011

wasted cds.

so i guess it turned out alright after all.

haha. just woke up, slept for like 2h. this entire morning was just killed by's weird. having tuition, after you think exams are over. but yes, my chinese needs to improve so no choice x.x

my mum's in korea now...eating food, being cool, and stuff. i want to go. mostly for the weather. do you know how !@#!@# hot it is! crazy. apparently it's like 20 degrees there. that's like almost the perfect temperature, perfect enough anyway. here is like double that.

been just spamming pes during free time. it's crazy. and i got guitar later. but lazy to practice...i hate tabs. my fingers are too freaking huge! balls.

there's nothing much to tumblr today..and it's still too hot.
so i just end up eating, when i'm bored. that's terrible, urgh.

hopefully can go out tmr. fresh air :D
oh yes, yesterday went out with the usual people, and hema threw a freaking chalk at my mouth wtheck! seriously, completely unexpected. but pooling is awesome. we did for like 3-4 straight hours. crazy. but if you pair with hema, expect him to give away cue balls every turn and so you'll have to solo everything.

i want to film a video. anyone?

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