Thursday, May 19, 2011

the reason i'm not doing anything tonight.

1. there is nothing to do, really.
2. it's warm.
i mean the weather, not anything else. and well, my body is warm, because of the weather i assume.
3. oh yes, i need to look through that list of career talks, make a decision, and try to find my green pen again. lost it like 4 times today and then refound it. but then during chinese i think i really lost it..

okay i need to focus. complete this post before i do anything else.

i just spent the past few hours playing pes, then eating, then lazing on my bed watching youtube videos. maybe i'll complete never let me go by today..there isn't really a sense of urgency though. it's becoming kinda dull to be honest.

oh, and i think there was some kind of misunderstanding just now, apparently dion has the impression that i'm pissed at jiamin? i am not pissed at anyone! you utter swoc. so yes jiamin, i am not pissed at you or anything lol. just in case you have that misconception.

trained back with yj just now. well it was okay. he bought bubble tea, and hid it in his bag. the usual. and he was hecking my phone all the way through, sending stuff to hema and other random people. he sent like, " i like yq too u know" to hema, hoping to make him depressed. to depress him. that's not a word right. heck, it is now.

but hema owned him for once, he's smart now okay. he sent back :

" what?!? its yong jen isnt it. pin wont like anyone, let alone yq..."

that is exactly what he said, word for word and letter for letter and symbol for symbol. he knows me too well..that's not good you know. what if something happened in the world and we set up like rival countries or businesses. he'll just destroy me flat. curses.

junwei's birthday today! me and jiamin went west coast plaza to buy cake for him, the epicly rich awesome chocolate cake. worth every penny, it's so awesome :D
then we spammed sms him all at once, because he thanked us all via sms. so we decided to be kind and lag his phone. see, we're so nice xD

i think his phone would probably have exploded.

i want to bake you a cake.
a fruit cake.
yes i'm cheap.

mashed peaches.

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