Monday, May 30, 2011

the only water in the forest is the river.

there's a hundred references to river song in that.
okay, maybe three.

sorry, i've been putting off this post since 2 hours ago.
yes, i'm bad.

first i went to watch doctor who (again), then i've been handling my schedule for the next two days. and solve the problem of : "how am i supposed to obtain a video tripod"

SMO tmr. time to flunk completely lol. i just stared at the prep paper. can't do any of the questions. and i don't know my index number. oho, good job..

basically slacked around trying to finish work (failed) this morning, then ate, ate again, and finished reading the book (handle with care) and made apple pie. it sort of failed though, the book lied to me. and we put too much butter in the crust. oh my mum's home. you get pictures. just hold on for a bit, while i explain how the book scammed me.

so basically in most shows i watch they cook the apple with all the brown sugar, butter and cinammon first, allow it to soften and carmelise, and then bake it. but this book tells me not to cook it at all, and i was like going, "what?" but it's a book, and i thought maybe it's a new method. well, it's not, the inside still failed. but it's okay, not bad for a first try.

it is now 10:42. i hate not concentrating and finishing the post. well, i clicked "new post" at around 7. but i have photos now!

unimpressive photos.

that's my brother by the way. sorry, it's extremely difficult to take a slice of pie out of the dish, as you well know.

goodbye, off to sleep now.

come along, pond.

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