Monday, August 30, 2010

out of time, out of space.

i'm tired so this'll be a short one.

i'm sorry for being so bitchy/pissed today, it's just annoying when hema is around, and plus it's like i want to do something and people are telling me what to do left, right and centre, it's just frustrating okay. i know you don't mean any harm, but it's just restrictive, and it just screws up my choices. it's like person A says stay, person B says go, wtf, i'll do what i want, don't do this to me, i have a choice. it's damn difficult to please everyone, especially some people. there i go, i'm blaming people again. we all got what we wanted, didn't we?

amazingly, I spent like 1.20 today. but i owe loo one, the epic mrt-card buying machine kept rejecting all our tens then we realised it only takes fives or twos.

cheerio, i'm off.

tmr school is 845-11, wth. then rush back to try and force my way into the school...probably won't work. another day of no work. but bmt just now was fun though. even though very dangerous XD.

that word, dangerous, again.

and here comes inspiration :D

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