Thursday, August 26, 2010

26 august.

that's happy birthday to myself.

yes, i know, it's weird wishing yourself happy birthday, but heck that, if i want to do that i shall. and thanks for everything, the present, the cards, all the wishes. you guys are awesome people, all of you. so this is what it's like to feel so loved. haha..

okay i'm just weird. but yay there's no geog tmr! lim called me just now and she's not coming cos of sydc so we just have to discuss the volcano soil project..that's basically doing nothing, which is awesome. and hema's coming back tmr, it's too quiet without him.

can't believe everything. we spent like 1h after sch ended just now fretting over physics. like everyone was there, most people were gaming though. then me and png's table a complete mess. like really. physics is mainly done, chem is not though. i'm still unsure, think i'll just ask kong tmr after lesson. then they bought pizza haha, so nice. and first time eating lasagna with fingers, it's like ripping it apart. the top and bottom looks like puff pastry with cheese..but still nice, especially with the epic root beer spillage and bubbles. thanks everyone! really good...i didn't even expect it. most of the time i didn't even rmb it was my bday.

and miss lam gave me lollipop and some random i can't describe thing, so nice of her. it's like...biscuits in cones? with cappuccino filling. shared with the class, some of us just spammed, it's damn nice.

ok i have to go dinner, my mum made 烧肉, took her 2 days, i have to go if not she'll kill me haha.

be happy!

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