Friday, August 27, 2010

according to you.

well, pretty average day, bit boring really. the highlight of the day was probably the bacon flavoured biscuit sticks thingy nikki gave me. it's damn nice and apparently you can get it at shengsiong for like 35cents. typical. my mum buys giant packages of oreos from that place for like 2 bucks.

and right now jordan's introducing me to christian practices. or more accurately, churchy practices. i'm still clueless after all that's he's said..

my brother - " China people love panda."

is it true? well maybe, this panda's like saying, " oh really, I feel so loved! " -smile-

actually if you look at it another way he's just getting ready to turn into a savage and eat you.

dunno, lessons were average, chinese write about YOG, wtf, i hardly watched, so just crapped out random stuff. physics is just mainly trying to listen and reading wiki. then media's okay, bit boring and as usual half of the time i'm completely not listening to the woman then i freak out and start clicking random stuff to try to get my screen the same as hers.

forget it i'm pissed.
mainly cos i keep swearing and it's all my fault. i say shit too much, seriously.
why can't everything just be nice for once.


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