Saturday, August 14, 2010

the fire in your eyes.

internet's really slow now, but not for blogger amazingly. blogger's fast.

maybe i should use :D and =D and XD or at least something. let's try it with that sentence and see how it goes.

internet's really slow now :( but not for blogger amazingly. blogger's fast :D

well, that was utterly fake.

i'm terrible. didn't do any work at all today. all i did was study math chap 2 and do a little tutorial. and eat lots of food which made me fat. still have chinese, think i'll do that later after i shower. need my mum's help though, i stupidly left my textbook in school after reminding myself to remember to bring it back -.-/

i know. i know.

i feel terrible for getting started on geog. i should have went with the guys when they went to get photos from some church in city hall on tuesday. damn, damn and damn. now i have nothing. i don't even know what building i'm doing on, and only 2 weeks left. shit.

nothing changes.

Porsche 911 Carrera S.

ex-dream car. yes, ex. now i don't really know what i want. well, in the future we probably won't need cars. we'll have vortex manipulators strapped to our wrists so we can travel through time and space.

i'm sorry for ever doubting you.

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