i know, it's a chance to rest, but sometimes i feel it's too much. milling around at home, not wanting to complete work, no one to talk to, nothing to do? and my dad having is many moments of pissedness for no reason whatsoever. it's amazingly stupid.
i'd rather have school, or something, really. but i need to rest, if non-stop school i'll probably die. but the only time i feel i'm resting is like friday night - sat lunch. that's it. and plus i think my group's gonna die for english. i seriously think us posing as tissues is NOT going to work. have to think of something else. but i don't want to do anything, i just want to run away, build that mansion and live there forever.
it's selfish, i know. my mum was saying i should go out with my family more, but the truth is i just don't want to go out, then there's tons of people everywhere and we spend too much money and then everyone gets pissed cos of my dad. it's pointless, cos you never know when the guy is happy or when he's going to explode. and then there's the matter of them forcing me to use new stuff. my phone, my bag, my shoes. i want to use them until they die, but my parents say no, what if they die halfway? i don't know, i don't want to think about that, i just like my current situation. it's comfortable, familiar.
great. i just woke my sis up with my loud typing. actually it's probably the chunky keyboard.
it's like mass changing of profile pic on facebook now. actually sometimes i wonder why i bother with blogger or facebook. no one cares, we're just creating imaginary comfort zones for ourselves. and i should stop signing in to msn when i don't talk to anyone at all. i don't do anything there. it's just out of habit. but no, i should stop.
and i need to find a way to force myself to go running tmr, i'm seriously getting fatter. it's like, when i'm standing up straight i notice there's a bulge, last time i didn't even notice, this is terrible.
yes, i'm pouring my heart out to the internet, but heck. it's just so much easier than doing it to a normal person for some reason. that's just sad, it's like, we're afraid that people will criticise us, we're afraid that they will tell everyone and laugh at you, so we don't say anything. it's pathetic.
i'm pathetic.
but music helps i suppose. it always helps. it's always there for you when you're feeling down, it's not as if it'll make some excuse and run away, to do something else with someone else. it's different.
actually that day i was thinking, and i just felt, i wasn't happy because of what? it was because things weren't going how i wanted them to go. but that means i'm spoiled, i want to have everything i want. and i know, i can't, i shouldn't, the world doesn't work that way. it can't, because people are different, and if it was perfect it'd be boring.
i'm changing...again.
but i still hate english. so far i've done everything but bio prac halfway. as in i've done everything halfway, bio prac's blank. but it shouldn't be that hard i suppose, hopefully. it's like physics, i did till q3, then can't do le. terrible. i know, i thought it was easy when i saw the question, but then i discovered i can't do it at all. it's terrible, watching everyone around you get close to full marks and you're barely above pass.
on a completely unrelated note, is paris really the city of love? i mean, i think venice or milan is a lot more romantic. or iceland, with it's mysterious glaciers and volcanos. awesome.
look at that view. amazing.

fine it's not as nice as sitting on this bench, watching the waterfall.
or in a canoe, just rowing about minding your own business.
and another aurora.
you just have to believe.