Tuesday, June 8, 2010

fade to the blackness.

don't know, hopefully i either get into the photography/video/it business, or else i'm screwed. but come to think of it, i'm not really particularly good at anything....ah wtv

you know, just now we were going to go out for lunch? well, we didn't. ya my mum couldnt be bothered and in the end we ate random noodles...which are awesome. after that went to play badminton with win, wx, jm, sy @ cc....yz just showed up to collect money...and after he said he was balling, he was actually at home...epic.

are you sure playing bball = balling ?
sounds stupid. like really stupid.
balling sounds....wrong..

anw in the end we only booked the court for an hour...it was like empty at first lor...all 3 courts no one..then random people started coming..blah. so we walked and waited..and walked some more...and waited somemore...then in the end edwin wanted to go nkf cos he never realised there was a nkf there...in the end went 7-11...wanted to buy magnum gold but it's like 4.20...wtf so ex..what is in that thing? weird...it's just caramel right..

then walked home. light rain....which was..not bad. but i was afraid it'd make me sick so i wont be able to go tmr and thur. yes i know i'm paranoid.

hmm. looks very....squeezy on top. needs more spaces.

there. i think i mind cos like in real life, i also need space...space is good...haha i'm fat.

then after that just watched tv.....finished the book...and i'm here now. yup.

and wtf alvin is in korea? screw him didnt tell me...sheesh. the wedding dinner better be nice.

i think i'm off. maybe i'll post later tonight? nahh probably not. too many posts...and i dont know why i bother...dont think anyone actually reads this..

cya around.

" can we pretend that airplanes from the night sky are like shooting stars?
i could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now. "

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