Friday, June 18, 2010

bad wolf.

it's been happening inside my head.

firstly, sorry for last night's post, i know it's super long and some of you won't know any of the people inside it. also, i had to cut it short cos my mum came in and screamed at me.

then, there's the matter of world cup, where greece beat nigeria 2-1 and mexico 2-0 france, which means france are almost certainly out of it. USA playing slovenia later, they're gonna lose haha. slovenia are awesome, they're like super unknown, but comparitively good.
well, england....they're good, can be very good, but screw up badly occasionally.

lastly, there's the matter of dreams. over the past two days i've been dreaming, which isn't that good, for me, and the dreams are like weird. can't really remember wed night's one, all i know is that i was in some house with some people, and everything kept spinning into nothingness, and there were flies. it sucked lah, quite bad.

then last night's was worse, i found myself inside this world where people kept trying to kill me with choppers, and it's like the exact same chopper used throughout the whole dream, it's retarded. then i met some wolf-guy, then he told me that all the people with choppers are like possessed by some spirit or something floating through the air, and they all have red eyes. then i escaped a lot of guys with choppers, then ended up on some rocket with some of my pri-sch friends. then they were trying to get some people on the ground to break some chains which were made out of jade, you know that green crystal stuff you see in chinese shows? yeah, those. then they were failing epicly so i got pissed, and then all of a sudden zen (why the hell is he there, i havent spoken to him for like 3+ years already, was never close to him in the first place.) starts attacking me, throwing bloody choppers at me but somehow i managed to dodge/catch them all. yeah i know, i'm amazingly pro in my dreams, as compared to real life. then somehow i had to kill cyrus and zen cos they were possessed ( wtf? ) , and i was like sad and unwilling and doing other crap so it took super long, then we all escaped the rocket and ran through some shopping complex..and that's about it.

it doesn't make sense, i know. dreams aren't supposed to make sense anyway.

that boy rocks, if you get what i mean.

red flow.

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