Monday, June 28, 2010

day one/.

i'm tired....was very tired just now...but now it's better.

anyway. so i kinda woke up at 430 to go drink ribena and turn the a/c on, then .....skip skip skip.

so i'm in school. it's like weird, being in school again. then the russian brought a fake jabulani's just a normal ball painted to look like it. so went for pe, new teacher, gerald sim. i think. he's not bad lah...seems quite friendly. but i don't like his captain's ball rules...then i was bored like 90% of the time cos of course i have to stand on the chairs cos i'm the tallest in my team..blah. then after that played soccer with the usual people on the futsal court, then it's epic, we kept own goalling..three i think. or two. can't remember. fiona and jm...both from's funny.


chinese was okay, i mean he just talked all the way but it was quite entertaining i suppose, he made us laugh a few times. but i couldn't keep myself awake....slept for like 10mins i think. was trying to convince jw to eat his bao...the whole lesson he just smsed and did that, but it was squashed and he said it was's like my bread, squashed.

hell i can't be bothered to talk about what happened. for once.

and what the hell chinese oral is on thursday really we're all gonna die ahh.

oh yes, and the seating arrangement is screwed. but i like where i am, at the moment. hopefully we get it done tmr before the kalpana woman comes in..

yeah. as if that's gonna happen.
well, at least don't have to wear formal tmr. that means it'll be 3402198273 times better.

thank goodness i bought the chinese tb just now...tmr got chi. dion scam me la, he missed out one period and made us all believe only got 2 periods of chi per week...sheesh.
and i don't care much for popular. i mean, tb + zuoye = $8.83? that's daylight robbery okay. but i suppose it was like 540 so it's twilight robbery. it's still like paying to suffer, not that i really mind zuoye, i just hate the compres. the open ended ones. mcq just tikam..

hurray for no electives! thank goodness first day no hw so i can post. we were saying that chia should just give us 10 assignments on the first day, then we chiong and dont need to worry for the rest of the sem. that'll be nice haha. but somehow, not very nice.

okay it's jeryl sim. i apologise.
but honestly, i prefer gerald.

i realise i'm hopeless and i can't really do anything properly.

okay i'll stop saying that.

oh yes, the referee can go stuff himself. all three of them. so can fifa. i mean, does using technology not benefit them? the sport's better, more people watch, they earn more money?
they're siao okay, crazy, crazy.,

oh and netherlands vs slovakia later. time for slovakia to die haha. van persie's back.

i realise i have never tasted ben and jerry's. yes i'm sad. i'm a very sad person.

i'd better go...if not i'll start going nuts and talking delusional stuff again. just now i was making a list of all my flaws and planning to post it....

anyone with any smart comments can go jump off a bridge.

you won't die, you can bungee jump.

anyone know which movie i stole that from?


oh remember to bring thermometer.

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