Saturday, February 19, 2011


Fill out this fun Controversial Issues Survey and then share it with your friends on facebook, myspace or anywhere else.

Do you think that gay marriage should be legal?
hell yeahh. i support that all the wayyy.

Do you think that gays should be allowed to seve in the military?
no one should have to serve in the military. it's bad. people die.

What do you think about people who don't believe in god?
they will have a more epic sense of imagination about what is up there ^^

Are you pro life or pro choice?
what's that...

Do you think we should test on animals?
no. how would you feel if someone grabbed you and injected some crap which made you purple into you?! plus, the english compre we did last year says it doesn't work. so yeah.

How do you feel about illegal immigration?
it's only a problem in the US i guess.

Do you think it is ethical to do stem cell research?
why not? helps people. so it's ethical.

Should they get rid of the death penalty?
i would say yes, but then i would say no. they need a reason to make people think before they act. but they should at least give the people nice food before they die. that's what everyone should be given.

Is torture ever acceptable?
why don't you ask hema, and whether it's okay for him to have tortured me for the past 3 years.

Should the government have a say on our diets?
they won't care. they should care more about their own diets...

Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased?
stick with it.

Should cigarette smoking be banned?
100% yes. it's not good for anything. seriously, there isn't even a single benefit. just get rid of it and problem solved. but then the demand for nicotine gum would increase.

see, the govtment never think de! if the tobacco industry dies the gum industry propspers! substitute goods man.

i wonder where you get all your quizzes from. tell me.

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