Saturday, February 12, 2011

make everything okay.

it's so hot.

seriously, i'm just sweating because it's like freaking hot. it's been like this since last night. maybe it's just the world punishing me for all the bad things i did this week. nothing went right for like yesterday. except for uno-ing with hardik and making up song lyrics with dion in the chem lab. prac was okay i suppose, we just hecked everything, because we'll end up faking EVERYTHING i suppose. but the set-up was cool, they have a freaking vibrating pump to get ice water into the thing so that condensation takes place. whatever, photos are in dion's dslr. yes we brought it into the lab, epicness.

i hate it when people constantly attack you, using words. i mean, violence i can stand, i'll just hit them back. or run away. but it's like you're sitting there, and they're supposed to be your freaking friends, and then they just keep criticising you, emphasising that little point, over and over again, like you're fucking worthless and you don't deserve to be in their lives. maybe you don't realise it, but it's the other way round. you don't deserve to be in my life, because you're just making me feel miserable.

sometimes people just hurt people without realising they're doing that, and then you feel so much like hitting them. and it's bad enough that you have no one to talk to, and you can't run away, because these people will somehow find you, wherever you go.

maybe i do that sometimes. i hope not.

whatever. i'm supposed to be doing work. but i don't want to. yesterday's chinatown trip failed, because it poured like crap, and no one got any good photos. well, i think all my good photos are in the school dslr. should have changed the SD card. well, at least i got this :

then mucked around with wong a bit cos both of us don't have dslrs, then we found this, so i just took it. heck, it's food.

even if it doesn't look that nice.

okay, i'm off. time to go hurt my fingertips :/

you're not worthless. someone, someone out there, thinks you are a wonderful person.

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