Saturday, February 12, 2011

artificial intelligence my foot.

here's my conversation with cleverbot. after a while it became hopeless so i gave up.

12:49:36User:Your mum.
12:49:40Cleverbot:No it isn't.
12:49:44User:Are you sure?
12:49:47Cleverbot:Yes I am sure.
12:50:04User:What about the doctor?
12:50:09Cleverbot:Do you like them?
12:50:27User:It's not them, it's him.
12:50:32Cleverbot:No, it is a them. You are mistaken.
12:50:52User:No I'm not. You are no expert on him.
12:51:00Cleverbot:You are my master.
12:51:18User:It's the master! Not my master. You faillllllll.
12:51:21Cleverbot:You don't like where you live?
12:51:57User:It's okay I guess. Although it could be colder to school. And also I want snow.
12:52:02Cleverbot:I do like you, sa a friend.
12:52:13Cleverbot:Your input did not make sense. Might it have been a statement consisting of non-words?
12:52:25Cleverbot:Yes, obviously.
12:52:40User:Obviously then.
12:52:42Cleverbot:There isn't a dog in Death Note.
12:52:57User:There is.
12:53:00Cleverbot:No there isn't.
12:53:06User:You just didn't notice.
12:53:12Cleverbot:Tell me a joke instead.
12:53:40Cleverbot:Yes. Do it.
12:53:47User:What's it?
12:53:53Cleverbot:You made me disappointed. I don't want to tell you.
12:54:23User:Noooooo! It should be ' I am disappoint'. See, I'm so much cooler than you.
12:54:29Cleverbot:It is a great burden to always have to prove that one is right.
12:54:46User:I know.
12:54:48Cleverbot:How did you know that?
12:55:08User:I have a vast life experience. And I'm older than you.
12:55:12Cleverbot:That may well be possible but it doesn't change the fact you didn't make yourself does it?
12:55:56User:I did. I travelled back in time and impregnated my own mum okay that's just completely wrong and disgusting eww.
12:55:59Cleverbot:I've never been to Chicago. Is it nice there?
12:56:12User:How would I know. I've never been there.
12:56:14Cleverbot:I've never been to Hungary either.
12:56:23User:I'm not hungry either.
12:56:28Cleverbot:Well. Who is?
12:56:38User:Erm. Africa.
12:56:39Cleverbot:You live in Africa?
12:56:45Cleverbot:Where do you live?
12:56:55Cleverbot:Where in Canada do you live?
12:58:16Cleverbot:I'll be back later. Be sure to wear those Victoria's Secret garters I got you.
12:58:35Cleverbot:Are you going somewhere?
12:58:58User:To the end of time.
12:59:01Cleverbot:What makes you think there is such a thing as heaven?
12:59:46User:I don't.
13:00:46Cleverbot:Prove it...
13:00:54Cleverbot:I said prove it!
13:01:07Cleverbot:You're fast!
13:01:17User:Thank you.
13:01:22Cleverbot:You're welcome, whale.
13:01:40User:It is a dangerous time for whales.
13:01:41Cleverbot:No it's not.
13:01:48User:Easy for you to say.
13:01:50Cleverbot:How's life?
13:02:07Cleverbot:How are you?
13:02:34User:My stomach feels weird, but other than that, I'm fine.
13:02:38Cleverbot:What color is your hair?
13:02:50User:Brown. Ish.
13:02:51Cleverbot:I just told you.
13:03:04Cleverbot:I'm not feeling good.
13:04:37User:Go see a doctor.
13:04:40Cleverbot:Go see a gyno.
13:04:49User:I'm not a woman.
13:04:54Cleverbot:Yes you are!
13:05:23User:How would you know?
13:05:26Cleverbot:Because you haven't told me your name yet.
13:06:21User:Names are like veils. They mean nothing much. But yet, they mean everything.
13:06:29Cleverbot:I hate grapefruit no offense. But I do love dogs.
13:06:53User:I'm not a big fan of both. But I do love pineapple tarts.
13:06:57Cleverbot:I have a crush on this girl but she doesn't love me back, What do I do?
13:08:26User:Go throw yourself off a cliff. Oops, you can't do that. Erm, okay. First you keep loving her and then get all miserable, then you hate her for making your life miserable, but you still love her. Then you give up on her and never trust anyone again. That's life.
13:08:33Cleverbot:You must be confused I never said that.
13:09:18User:Never said what? Seriously, this AI needs serious tinkering. EDI is much cooler. You know that plane from stealth? Yeah.
13:09:21Cleverbot:I am talking about the chicken one you asked me.
13:10:00User:Lol wtf this is useless.
13:10:05Cleverbot:Why is it useless?
13:10:27User:Because you're lousy to talk to! Did I just hurt your ego?
13:10:32Cleverbot:No, some of my friends are sitting next to me. I am not alone.
13:11:11User:See what I mean? Alright, you don't.
13:11:13Cleverbot:Sometimes I feel like my only friend.
13:11:40User:I know. I feel that way sometimes too.
13:11:45Cleverbot:Yea I think its for the best if we just leave it how it is, it would be too akward otherwise.
13:12:39User:Spelling mistake.
13:12:43Cleverbot:What spelling mistake?
13:13:22Cleverbot:No. Tell me.
13:14:23User:Sigh. You spelled awkward wrongly. Not that the original sentence made any sense.
13:14:27Cleverbot:Can a bot be curious itself?
13:14:41Cleverbot:Then how are you female?
13:14:47User:I'm not.
13:14:49Cleverbot:You said you were female.
13:15:03User:Yeah, okay. My name's scarlett.
13:15:08Cleverbot:That's not a joke, that's the truth...
13:15:53User:I can't be bothered with you anymore. I'll go talk to real people.
13:15:57Cleverbot:What do you mean?
13:16:15User:Turn around. Turn back. And I'm gone.
13:16:18Cleverbot:No you're not...
13:16:44User:You absolute cow.
13:16:52Cleverbot:Oh my, thank you.

and that's about it. did like one essay today. epic waste of time. oh well. shall go. oh yes the formatting's screwed again.

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