Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I'm back.
Another quiz.

I doubt I'll be blogging in Japan, since there's the existence of twitter. so, here goes.

of 6 people in our grad trip, 1's already in Japan, 3 are now at the airport, and 2 are at home slacking. Yup.

1: What do you put on hotdogs? 

Ketchup. and mustard.
I like mustard.

2: Do you say "anticlimatic" or "anticlimactic"? 

first one.

3: Do you check flyers before grocery shopping?

No. I just...go to the shops.

 4: Blue, black, or some other colour pen ink? 

Blue is nice. 

5: Do you use your parking brake? 

I don't drive. 

6: Look to your left. How many framed pictures are on the wall? 

Zero. There's one framed puzzle on the floor, but if you read the previous few quizzes you already know this haha. 

okay, I shall move to my room.

7: Do you know how to play chess?

Yes. I'm pretty bad at it though :/

 8: How often do you clean the interior of your car? 

This is Singapore. We can't own cars, man.

9: Do you ever read the last few pages first? 

haha, why would anyone? It's like a massive spoiler.
plus, I hate endings. they're very rarely good.

10: Ever fallen in the shower? 

yeah. it fucking hurts. I can't remember when though, maybe a couple of years back?

11: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to swear at other drivers? 

I refer you to Q8.

12: What's the worst thing you've ever called someone you care about? 

"fucker" doesn't count, because sometimes I use it affectionately.
not that way, you cow.

idk la, honestly. I haven't really had big arguments with people I care about, for a long long time.

13: Do you have a Snuggie? 

I don't understand.
oh, I just googled it.

14: Are you allergic to anything?

Yup, I'm allergic to bullshit.

I, Robot reference there.
that was a really bad movie though.

 15: Do you have any TV shows on DVD? 


16: How many times do you hit the snooze button before finally getting out of bed? 

Usually it's 2.
If it's 3, my mum's shouting at me already, haha.

17: Ever driven away in anger?

Meh, I can't. Refer to Q8.

Is this a driving quiz?

 18: What's your favourite freezie colour? 

probably red.

19: Are you a vegetarian?

Nah. I like meat too much. 

 20: Do you have a garbage receptacle beside you? What's on top? 


21: Do you cross out your mistakes or erase/whiteout them? 

It depends. If it's proper work I use correction tape, but actually that makes it ugly anyway.
I have redone assignments because they were too ugly. like, recopied the whole thing onto another piece of paper.

22: Ever torn something up that you instantly knew was too important for such treatment?

A few years ago at CNY, I tore a $50 note. Yup.
Fortunately we fixed it with tape and it was usable again lol.

 23: Do you think that things will get better? 

Sure it will. I'm the eternal optimist.

haha, I know I display this very negative/sad persona especially when I'm online, and apparently my natural expression is a frown, but I'm really a pretty cheerful guy. I just get really sad sometimes when I'm alone and I think too much.

but for those times, there's music. and friends.

24: Do you have an unpopular opinion? What is it? 

well, this is a general thing, but you know when people try to organise outings? and sometimes when some people decide that they aren't going to go or can't go, they get a bad rep for it?

I think that's really uncalled for and wrong. This is really a general thing, but I've been in that situation many times where I would decide not to be part of something when I feel I wouldn't really be comfortable there, or that doing something else would benefit me personally. and that's the point, it's an individual choice.

so people shouldn't be judged for that. actually, that point is quite idealistic, because I know that judging people is only human nature. I do it all the time. I'll rephrase. People shouldn't be labelled for being a "wet blanket" or being unsociable.
Once again, this is not in reference to any particular events, it's just that I've observed over my 6 years in NUSH that some people are quick to judge others. and sometimes if these people have influence, it ends up exerting a lot of peer pressure on those people, and that's wrong.

onto my second point.

I really disrespect people who volunteer/take up leadership positions and responsibilities, but don't pull their weight. (well, I wouldn't go as far as to say they should be shot, but...) 

Here's the thing. Maybe it's because I'm an SL so my feelings on this are stronger, but I believe everyone feels the same way about these people.

1. They're denying other people of that leadership opportunity, which is a shame
2. They are making life more difficult for everyone else.

It's fucked up, okay. 
I got lucky, I managed to become President of MC, and I have really good friends supporting me. (THANK YOU JIAMIN). But at the same time, I see that there are people around me, friends, frustrated because their opportunities and hard work are being taken away by these irresponsible people.

and it pisses me off. because I know how bad it can get. I have firsthand experience, but my case wasn't that bad.

TL;DR if you even want to join a committee, or hell, even do a project with some people, don't slack off and please be responsible.
Honestly, no one cares if you have no skills/talent in that area. The key is the willingness to work hard and the care. You need to care about what you're doing.

^I've gone really off-topic, I'm pretty sure this is not an unpopular opinion lol. but yeah.

sorry guys. plenty of strong feelings up there. I'm not referring to anyone in particular, just to several people.  but if you ask me to name idiots who pull that shit, I could. Easily.

by the way, I don't associate with people like that. so if I associate with you, you're safe (:

not that you need my approval. sheesh, what's wrong with me tonight. 

25: What's your favourite quote? 

“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.” 
-The Doctor, Vincent and The Doctor (S5 E10)

26: Did you/are you going to go to prom? 

I did. you're slow D<

27: What's the most physically painful thing you've ever experienced? 

uh, it's probably some dental thing. that shit hurts.
or that time my mum made me go to this place where they physically work on your acne with tweezers. fucking hell.

28: What's the most emotionally/mentally painful thing you've ever experienced? 

I'm lucky that no one in my life has died yet, so.
That means it'll have to be some unreciprocrated love thing. 

moving on, 

29: Have you ever legitimately saved a person's life? 

I don't think so, no.

30: What's your favourite book genre? 

Crime thrillers. I like those.

31: Did you like "Gigli"? Be honest. 

what's that. Hang on, I'm going to google it. 
lol, it's some comedy film. I can't answer this because I haven't seen it. next.

32: Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? 

nope. do you have any idea how expensive movies are in this country?

33: Do you peek between your fingers during the scary scenes? 

Nah, I look at my knees. It's a lot less obvious haha.

34: What was your reaction to Tatum getting killed whilst stuck in the pet door in Scream?

I didn't actually watch it haha. Don't kill me.

 35: Do dogs like you? 

Yup, I know.

Jeremias seems to. (that's what we call Galen's dog, btw)

36: Would you say that you project an air of authority? 
37: Do people listen when you speak? 

Please, no. I'm still pretty bad at this speaking thing.
They do, to a certain extent. Not my CCA though, lol. I don't blame them, it's probably boring to them.

hahaha hema doesn't listen. because there was once he pulled this:

(this is an SMS conversation)

Me : Tmr outing to pool, meet at Habour Front MRT at 1pm.
Hema : Meet where? What time?

I remember this clearly because I literally LOL-ed after receiving the reply. ah, good times.

38: How are your elbows? Are they okay? 

well that's just creepy.

39: What is one thing that you do exceptionally well? Be honest. 

I can, uh, 
is it bad that I can't think of anything?
I mean, I believe my photography's okay but not spectacular. Spectacular is like YX-level. or Pro-level. all the pros are hackers okay.

I have to say, I'm pretty good at appearing to care when I'm slacking off. that being said, I don't do that often.

40: Do you use torrents? 

Nice try, lol.

41: When was the last time you paid for music? 

Does the concert count? If yes, then 9 September.
If no, then 1.5 years ago. 

42: Are you addicted to technology? 

Yes. It's bad, I know.

43: Pick a person (you don't need to give their name). How do you feel about them? Be as honest as you can get yourself to be. 

I love you.

ack, too cheesy. but yes (:

44: Do you check your computer's dictionary for the definition of words you'd otherwise feel confident about using during in-person interactions? Just to be sure? 

I actually check google. It's faster.

45: How heavily to you rely on spellcheck and autocorrect? 

Quite heavily, on iOS. I use it to increase my typing efficiency, when I know what I can get away with typing and not typing. it's useful as hell.

46: Have you ever gotten into an argument on the internet? Did you win? 

Not with a random person, no.
If you're talking about with people I know, then I always win, because it's usually the same person and that person just ends up going "OKAY FINE PIN YOU WIN" :D

47: Do you pause movies/TV shows if you have to go to the bathroom or the kitchen, or do you just let them keep playing? 

Of course I pause them. With the nature of stuff that I watch, crucial plot details can be missed super easily.

that is, anime and doctor who.

48: If you use a regular alarm clock, do you have it set to music or that obnoxious beeping? 

obnoxious beeping. you're not meant to enjoy it, lol.

49: Peter Pan? 

he's this green fairy guy. who steals children away to neverland.

50: How often do you fall up the stairs? 

not very, seeing as I don't have stairs.
who the hell falls up stairs anyway? that's damn retarded, lol.

perhaps dion D<

51: Do you pronounce "anti" as ant-eye or ant-ee? (Example: "That scene was very anticlimactic.") 

I think American pronunciation is kinda dumb. so, second one.

52: Do you pronounce "via" as vee-uh or vie-uh? (Example: "We can get there via Tremont Street.") 

Refer to Q51.

53: How often do you forget to close your parentheses?

almost never (except in math

Yes, I did that. I'm retarded lol.

And that's the end of that quiz. 
There's some pretty heated opinions in there, but I always try to be as honest as possible on these things. I think it's important to be honest. and I don't really mind putting my thoughts out there. that's why I blog, anyway.

It's off to Japan from 10th December for 2 weeks! ZW and I fly tmr at 2pm, and I'll be back at around 3am on 27th Dec. 

Would it be too shameless to request for a send-off party? hahaha.
See you. I''ll try to VLOG in japan. 

We're meeting Cyrus in tokyo, that's pretty cool. right, goodnight.

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