Sunday, June 26, 2011

weird dreams galore.

there's basically two parts, and they are sorta linked, but i'm not going to tell you the first part, because, honestly, it scares me. as in, it's not scary, but i'm scared by the intensity of the feelings expressed in that dream, when i'm not even sure the feeling exists or not! complete balls.

you guys hate me when i'm this cryptic right.
oh, you'll get over it.

so, the second bit takes place in school, and we are having lessons already. and physics lasted for half an hour, so we went to get some lunch. but, apparently there's this event that needs planning and my phone suddenly died, so i climb up some stairs and i find ram there (don't ask.) i ask him for his phone, he throws it, over me, out of the building. that's like exactly what hema would do..

and then somehow i make it back to physics, with kfc and a soccer ball..and i can't remember already.

alright, i need to go. need to eat and go for frisbee.

we had the best of times, you and me.

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