Sunday, January 23, 2011

you know that feeling, inside you, that there's something you missed out. but no matter how hard you think, you can never find out what it is.

yes, that feeling. it seems like there's more work/stuff that i need to do. but then i can't really remember. so from now i shall just heck, and tumblr! and do this post of course.

i admire my bro. he's been on the com for like 2 whole days, watching videos about beyblade on youtube. but then he keeps giving me this BALLS attitude when i ask him if he has work. like completely ignoring me, or telling me not to talk. typical. and now he discovered he has work so he screams at me. yay, my fault!

he still needs to learn tingxie and spelling lol. and my mum's home in 90mins. die.

anyway, here's my tumblr.

i'm lazy to pick themes, so it's just orange, which is nice. focus on the content more, it's awesome. oh yes if you have tumblr please tell me! so that i can follow you...i'm just following random people who i do not know at all now. they might even be bad people. or rocket scientists. that's kinda cool.

right, main agenda of this post. quiz!
it's ripped from fiona, who ripped it from someone, who ripped it from someone. yup (:

1. I wish I had more....
money! money's important. and kindness.

2. I wish people were....
more understanding, considerate, unselfish, happy !
less douchy, bitchy, violent, criticising, open-minded.

3. I wish I was ...
taylor swift.

4. I wish my friends...
will never be forgotten. and that they will never forget me. we'll have a gathering one day and i'll buy them all pizza :D

5. I wish for...
read my goal setting paper. it's all there. oh yes, and seasons in singapore!

6. If I had a million dollars I would....
buy some shoes :)

7. If I could fly I would....
try and trade it for something else. scared of heights!

8. I dream of a better....
tomorrow. that's so cliche xD

9. The rain reminds me of....

10. I fear....
many things. (i can't tell you cos if not you'll use it against me! that would be bad..)

11. Stormy nights are....
scary and exciting at the same time.

12. The sea is like....

13. Eyes are...
nice but we should all have different colours! here it's just black..

14. I cannot stand when....
everyone insists i am wrong, without looking at my side of the argument.

15. A song that reminds me of love is....
sparks fly - Taylor swift. lovely.

16. Love is....
happiness. but sometimes it hurts, it hurts really badly.

17. Hate is....
a passionate emotion.

18. Death is....
inevitable. but you will always live on, in the hearts of your loved ones.

19. Flowers are....
roses, tulips, violets, lilacs, and freesia.

20. If I could grow....
into a healthy person, that would be wonderful.

21. I would like....
some direction in my life.

22. I need more....
incentive to be hardworking. at everything.

23. I wish I had less....

24. I would like to give....
your mum!

25. Life is....
a playground. Make good use of it.

26. My mom is....
the most wonderful person in the world.

27. Poems are...

29. Life can be so....
-murphy's law- ish. whatever that can go wrong will go wrong. go figure.

30. Dreams are....
an insight to your subconscious. but then, i realised that if my subconscious wants me to be chased by angry dinosaurs before realising that i'm just a projection, something is seriously wrong with me.

just be happy.

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