Saturday, August 18, 2012

Minori Kushieda.

it's been a heavy week. but i think i got through it rather well.
well, without self-destructing. but i did tell kelvin koh that i felt like killing myself. which i don't. need to stop saying shit that i don't mean.

don't really have much to say..except that this week i got mindblown and fell in love with Toradora! yup, that's all.

fine, i shall do a day by day recap.


oh the speech thing. Eliot was creepy as hell. but he won.


wtf i suck at this. can't remember nuts..oh, went to donate blood but got turned away because of G6PD deficiency. and then ended up in the media resource room with jookee and half of my class and got kicked out by mariko for no reason lol. i think she just wanted the whole room to herself.


went to the longest session of arp so far. which was mainly debating/trying to find out wtheck is SOBEL. and in the end the stupid eyeblink program still failed..sigh. and then went back and crammed for chem from like 8-2.


chem quizzes galore. whatever...finished Toradora! though. it's so awesome i am actually rewatching the thing now.


CCA was relatively successful. i think it's because i didn't open my mouth much. and we finally sorted out the tday video. and then dion's mum sent me back again. knocked out for most of the ride though..

and goodbye.

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