Monday, October 17, 2011

sheer madness.

right. there was this dhl advertisement which freaked me out because it just started playing in the background. then i had to search around in all my tabs because i didn't know which one...and by the time i'd found it, it ended.

has that ever happened to you?

i don't know. i feel like going to watch doctor who again right now because it's just so inspiring.
well, at least econs report is out of the way. time for presentation tmr....hope it goes well.

there are bits and pieces of random humour inserted in, see if you can find them.

after tmr, time to chiong geog project..actually today was quite slack. but had to finish up phy prac, of course. and we were released early from geog, so just went for lunch and then came back upstairs to listen to nikki talk about stabbing people.

and the upshot of it all is winding up in chem realised i didn't flunk the retest that badly as I actually calculated kb correctly.

we still have 2 chem revision quizzes...seriously. oh well i guess if they don't have those no one will start studying.

my speech is still not memorized ><
and it's 7:12.

there's a theory now that van gogh didn't kill himself. and that he was accidentally shot by these two teenage boys but he decided to protect them by taking the he stumbled back to the pub and died.

plausible theory.

sorry everyone, i know i've been a little (very) pushy today. especially to dion..
still can't get myself to be more patient and quiet. sigh.

will work on it.

keep on believing.

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