Tuesday, December 28, 2010

thank goodness we're not in america.

i'm reading jodi picoult again. the tenth circle. her books make me think, make me feel something. they make me angry at one of the characters for ruining the other characters' lives, as usual. it's always like that. and from what i can tell, teenage life in america is crazy. you don't go around trying to have random sex with everyone when you're 14. you're supposed to stay at home and bake muffins, or play restaurant city, or something like that.
oh yes, street view is awesome. it's amazing, you can see like everything. especially fun when you're abroad. just that people hang their underwear there then sue google. seriously...but i suppose it is a legitimate concern, since it's public access.

sorry for the lack of posts, it's just that i've been rather empty (and lazy) lately, everytime i open up a new post i just give up. inspiration needs time to build. and i don't really go out that much, and i don't have that good a camera. i am so gonna spam roy's dslr tmr..it's like 12% of the reason i'm going.

i feel like i'm kinda left out, because i wasn't involved in the planning as much, and i'm not really helping much. well, i suppose it should be alright, and we'll probably end up sleeping on the floor, using our bags as pillows, at around 4 am. better make sure i sleep a lot today..and have to pack tonight, given that i'm going early. mind you, i'll probably forget something.

go arsenal. i'm giving up on chelsea temporarily, switch sides for a bit haha. they will surely lose to bolton, then bolton can climb higher! they should finish in the top 4, that'll be so cool. better still, finish in front of man city, that'll be a good laugh.

still undecided about what shoes to wear -.- it's the usual problem. after i settle clothes, which i'm hecking this time because i'm going for the i can't be bothered how i look so i just wear anything that's comfy and remotely appropriate attitude. yeah.

and i'm still unsure. after all this thinking i did, i can't believe it...well who cares. in the end you just have to look back at the situation and have a good laugh at how you were thinking then...i remembered my mum used to scream at me from spamming msn when i had work to do. and i don't even use msn much nowadays. how things have changed.

the only thing that doesn't change is change itself.

oh yes, found a chess joke. it's rather epic, if you get it.


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