Saturday, December 15, 2012

the holidays are ending.

I wonder if I'll be bothered to do a 2012 appreciation post.
think i'll probably be too busy doing Orientation stuff.

On that note, the last 2 days of filming were quite decent, but slow.  Next time, need to make sure all the stuff that we need is brought. because I guess Galen's the one in charge, and he's good at doing the story and the scenes, but he doesn't really prepare adequately because he doesn't have much experience at doing videos i guess. and also, because he wont be able to imagine how it'll look behind the camera.

and they want lightning bolts and explosions and glowing and -.-
yeah. super unrealistic demands lol.  and rehearsals for the skit on Tuesday..thank goodness we have Adrian and Weiren back for that. I think.

anyway, Yahoo! also says that Jennifer Lawrence is the most desirable woman in the world.

So I've been working. At NUS. It's been tiring. but then work is always tiring, there's no such thing as free money, because I wasnt able to get those kind of do-nothing-but-get-paid jobs.

I realised I've stopped cooking now that most of my family are home. I used to cook like everyday for every meal for that week's period, but now it's back to slacking. And it shows. I slept the whole day today. Well, almost.

I still detest Instagram..
bye. I've procrastinated enough.

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