Saturday, December 1, 2012


I have to say, I'm still quite affected by that line. can't believe they actually took the reference that far.
well, it's not even a reference anymore. it's just direct placing.

anyway, i'm here. in Kuching. because it's the December holidays.
going back in a couple of days though :/ no more good food.

also, I realise I need money for food when I go back because the house is going to be empty so I'll have to go shopping. Need to buy onions, at least.

so far, the holidays have been kinda :/
at least I'm not having an emotional mix-up like the previous years.

orientation planning video progress : 0%
japanese learning progress : 0%
life lessons : I climbed a cave.

yes, I went into a cave. all this was because the previous week I got dragged along with my mum's friends to go be tourists because they somehow think this place is a good tourist location.

it's not. it just has rather good food. go to australia or something.
damn, I really want to go to Japan. and I want to start work when I get back to Singapore, but the prof won't be back until 13th. From then on it'll just be the whole day spent on work/shooting the orientation video/arp i think.

at least our arp's rather okay. the device has been made, and dion's testing it now. I hope you are, dion.
also, I have made it my personal mission to eliminate all the Williams in this world.

my fingers seem kinda tired. haven't typed this much in a while, haven't blogged for a while. I do apologise. it's just that everything I think, "I shall blog", there's just things I want to say that I can't say here.

so I don't blog.
but there is nothing that I'm saying here that's exactly sensitive though.

also, if anyone wants to pick me on Tuesday, i'll be arriving around noon.
more useless information.

need to go eat breakfast now, if not my mother will murder me.
so there we go.


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