Saturday, October 20, 2012


So we just got out of hostel. Just dropped jookee off and now going back to the east to drop Dion home and return the electric guitar to Yin Zhi.

Damn, I gotta get myself one of those.

The performance turned out okay, I think. I guess it's quite reasonable for a first time. But I still feel frustrated and mad at myself.

I still can't control my emotions. I can do it well when I'm in the hostel, considering I haven't gotten really really mad like even once this semester.
But it's in situations like this when it matters. I mean, I can't be so freaking rash and unreasonable. Now I realise I was annoyed for the wrong reasons and its merely my bloody ego in the way. And also, I can't seem to accept it when things go wrong. But I've been dealing with that fine all year. Ish. Why?

and there's the matter of figuring out what I really want. Maybe I'll just leave high school like that, I don't know.


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