Tuesday, June 5, 2012

day 1 in genting.

hi, world. it's been a while.
okay i keep saying that. anyway, i'm in a nice bed in a hotel at genting now. because we decided to come here since there's a free room. we went to KL first to meet up with the other half of my mum's family, and then drove up. i basically slept away the journey before noon..and then after that my dad was driving...like a maniac, as usual, because he has rear wheel drive so he overtook everyone going up the twisty hill -.-

shot 100 photos today, mostly non-people stuff. extremely extremely foggy up here, but it's not really that cold. i still felt like a prat walking around in shorts though, so i wore jeans for dinner..

dinner we went to some random place which was kind of weird because it was really really noisy. but there was cod. and the tea was nice.

i miss the times we had, all of us.

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