Friday, June 15, 2012

chronological order. not.

er yes one of my previous posts got messed up but you generally get the picture.
at my buddy's house now. his name's adam james, you can go stalk him if you want haha.

i am apparently fated with adams.
anyway, it is cold cold cold here. and it's been raining and raining..and raining. apparently it only gets dark at around 10 here. amazing. so now it's 9:09. and i'm typing this at the sofa while watching spain beat ireland.

just now we had some food in the school, and then a school tour. and then we all went back to harry and charlie emery's house because adam's mum wasn't home yeah i met charlie because he came on the inbound trip a few months ago and harry, his brother is charles' buddy. it's a long story.

and we had tea. which was nice. and then yoghurt with balls er yeah it's nice haha.
i have photos. and then reece came over and we spammed the inbetweeners. now i have something else i must watch. haha.

then adam's mum came and fetched me to his place. it's very cosy. i want to live here some day.
with someone. not alone. living alone kinda sucks.

okay, bye for now (:

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