Friday, September 21, 2012

we are tossed by waves of pain and tears.

seems like an emo title.
no it's not, haha.

i got inspired to post after reading dion's post, haha.

that moment was so funny.
it's strange, being wide awake on a friday night.

because there was no cca, i reached home at 4, had a nap, then went out for dinner at 645 ish.
then i came back, watched SAO, and then now i'm here. think i'll try to edit my photos by tonight, and leave the rest of the weekend for work  :/

school now is like quiz in the day, study at night, quiz/test the next day. suicidal.
messed up physics test..18/30. yeah, i know...

anyway, I've been watching Accel World the whole week. yes.
and I hit the limit on Thursday morning, just before chem honours lecture.

so now i'm waiting for the last episode while jookee suans me with his stream but apparently it doesn't work so hohoho.

actually i'd rather watch it tmr. something to look forward to.
and there's doctor who to watch on sunday again!

i love the angel beats phone stream haha. although i'd rather have an accel world one. hmm. i want a kuroyukihime one. -hint hint to dion-
haha okay that's pushing it.

but seriously, black lotus is damn hack.

yes, I'm not going for the Singapore GP. call me crazy.
bradley managed to get free tickets, curse him. from sergei alekseyev. balls.
I should have asked my dad earlier. but it's okay. think i'm getting forced to stay home and study anyway, so i can't go out. damn, i wanted to go to that japanese festival thing with jookee and dion.

today was kinda weird actually. slept through math and woke up at the end to take pictures of the whiteboard with my camera, and then smoked physics prac (where boon chong was being high and going around knighting bottles (yes, he did.))

too many brackets.
basically, he was going like, "arise, sir pinbottle."

so yeah, jordan was there sitting beside me during the quiz because he already took it, and then he proceeded to dismantle my correction tape and write on it.

we actually left hostel at around the same time, but he cheated by taking 6405 while i had to endure 196. i want a car.  then i'll just drive myself home. so cool.

then we had english, which was basically us talking about religion with dass. so fun. and then we watched michelle obama's speech and wondered why the whole audience was crying and why they only zoomed in on black people in the audience for about 90% of the time.

no cca, which was sad. but it gave me time to rest.
I will make photo side better next year.

shall go edit photos.

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